Selected Documentation for Messaging-Cells Library
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 broadcast_maps.cStandard parallel broadcast maps (they are also used a parallel loading maps)
 cell.hhThe one and only include file necessarry to use the Messagging Cells library
 global.hGlobal functions. It is included in cell.hh
 loader.hMacros to access the linker script values
 log.hDefines log functions and macros
 shared.hC shared structures (by the manageru and all workerus). It is included in global.h and cell.hh
 shared_eph.hAddressing functions for the epiphany architecture.
 shared_eph3.hAddressing functions of the epiphany 3 architecture
 trace.hTrace functions
 philo.cppImplementation of the classical concurrency example of the eating philosophers
 hello_world.cppMinimal library example
 common.cppCommon file for all modules of the modules example example
 mods_test.cppMain file for the modules example
 pru_1.cppThis is first module of the modules example example
 send_msg.cppSimple send missive example
 mc-linker-script.ldfExamples link script